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Selimli T.A., Ismailov Y.B., Ismailova A.T., Iskenderova Z.Sh.

DOI: 10.61775/2413-3302.v2i32.15

In the study, changes in the blood cell count of rats due to the effect of chronic electromagnetic radiation (EMR) were studied. It was determined that the blood cells of the control group were kept in optimal conditions and the blood cells corresponded to the physiological norm, but the amount of blood cells in the rats exposed to EMR changed dramatically. Depending on the duration of the stress, the amount of hematological indicators in the blood, the percentage composition and distribution density changes in different directions, and the mechanisms that ensure the homeostasis and hemostasis of the body are disturbed. Therefore, it is important to carry out research in the direction of working out ways of correcting EMR.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, blood cell, immune status

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