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Musaeva M.S., Hajiyeva R.S.

DOI: 10.61775/2413-3302.v2i32.13

Using histological, and histochemical methods, morphological changes in the intramural nerve elements of the urinary bladder were studied in 6 patients suffering from diabetic cystopathy and who died from various complications of diabetes mellitus. The control group consisted of 4 practically healthy persons who died as a result of a car accident. For histological examination, tissue pieces of the nerve elements of the bladder were fixed with 12% formalin and impregnated according to the method of Bilshchovsky-Gross and Rasskazov. Adrenergic nerve structures were detected by incubation of sections in a 2% solution of glyoxylic acid, and cholinergic elements by the Karnovsky-Roots method. It was revealed that along with degenerative changes, reactive-compensatory processes also occur in the intramural nerve elements of the bladder in diabetic cystopathy. It was found that the activity of mediators in adrenergic and cholinergic structures decreases.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, cystopathy, intramural nerves

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