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Rustamova L.I., Heydarova F.A., Hajieva T.I., Mammadov S.M., Mammadova V.H., Atakishiyeva N.M., Mammadova J.S.

DOI: 10.61775/2413-3302.v2i32.10

The article presents the results of an analytical epidemiological study of the incidence of COVID-19 among the population (including children and adults, men and women) of Baku and its regions for 2021. The purpose of the study is to conduct an epidemiological analysis of the annual dynamics of the incidence of COVID-19 in the districts of Baku. The material for the study was the absolute incidence of COVID-19, which were subject to analytical and statistical processing in the course of descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies. A comparative epidemiological analysis of the incidence of COVID-19 in the districts of Baku was carried out among the total population, including children and adults, as well as women and men, depending on age groups and the month of detection. Intensive per 1000 people (‰) and extensive (%) rates of incidence of COVID-19 were calculated among the specified populations. The results of an analytical epidemiological study made it possible to establish a risk group for the incidence of COVID-19 among the population of the districts of Baku. The risk group by age was the adult population, by gender women, among the children's population by age - 5-13 years. As a risk factor for the season, the autumnwinter seasonality of the incidence of COVID-19 was established. As a result of a prospective epidemiological analysis of the epidemiological situation for COVID-19, areas of high, medium and low risk were identified depending on the incidence of COVID-19 in Baku in 2021.
Keywords: COVID-19, epidemiological analyses, risk group, risk factor, seasonality

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